About Us
The Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants (OSSMA) is a state affiliate of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). We believe that healthcare changes so quickly, we as professionals are required to maintain our credentials by obtaining education that is relevant and current to our jobs and patient care.
Being a member of the AAMA and State Society provides you with the opportunity to grow knowledge and skills and be a part of your career community. When you join AAMA, you also gain membership automatically in OSSMA (Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants). Membership Benefits include: Continuing Education, Discount Conference & Seminar Registration Costs, Scholarships, Employment Networking, Accreditation Information, Legal Advice, Leadership Conference, Online Newsletter, and more!

2024-2025 Officers

Vice President
Rhonda Lazette, CMA(AAMA)
Northwest County Chapter

Speaker of the House
Laura Mizicko, CMA(AAMA)
Tri County Chapter

Diana Rogers, CMA(AAMA)
Tri County Chapter

Vice Speaker of the House
Amy Adams, CMA(AAMA)
Montgomery County Chapter

Lora Wilson, CMA(AAMA)
Montgomery County Chapter

Immediate Past President
Judie Alessi, CMA (AAMA)
Northwest County Chapter
The medical assistants in Ohio recognized the importance and value of an organization which would best promote the goal of an individual. After four medical assistants from Ohio, had attended a meeting for medical assistants in Kansas City, Kansas in 1956, they wished to form an organization in the state of Ohio that would become a part of the national organization.
A charter meeting was held on April 17-28, 1957 at the Secor Hotel in Toledo, with 77 medical assistants representing 18 communities in Ohio. There were already three chapters organized within the state. After two days of deliberations, a constitution and bylaws was adopted, and the Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants came into being. It was the desire of the newly formed organization to seek approval of the Ohio State Medical Association and affiliate with the American Association of Medical Assistants.
During the first year, the organization officially approved the Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants on June 8, 1958, which led to affiliation with the AAMA.

To enable medical assisting, professionals to enhance and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professionalism required by employers and patients; protect medical assistant’s right to practice; and promote effective, efficient health care delivery through optimal use of multi-skilled Certified Medical Assistants.
To inspire its members to render honest, loyal and more efficient service to the medical profession and to the public which it serves.
To cooperate with the medical profession in improving the public relations of the medical profession.
To provide educational and informative services to, and on behalf of, the members of this Society.
​I believe in the principles and purposes of the profession of medical assisting.
I endeavor to be more effective.
I aspire to render greater service.
I protect the confidence entrusted in me.
I am dedicated to the care and well-being of all patients.
I am loyal to my physician-employer.
I am true to the ethics of my profession.
I am strengthened by compassion, courage and faith.